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Day Job

  • georgia straight watchmen cover
    Day Job

    And So I Have Been Quoted

    Amidst a hectic week of work as we ready for Rigoletto to open this Saturday, I was interviewed by 2 local newspapers, The Straight and Vancouver Courier. I was the spokesperson for the…

  • rigoletto encores
    Day Job

    Rigged Out

    I’m so bloody exhausted. After the 9-5 workday, I headed straight to Queen Elizabeth Theatre to live tweet our dress rehearsal of Rigoletto tonight until almost 11pm. I was authorized all access:…

  • Day Job

    Opera Chic

    Amongst the many books I have on my bookshelf are 3 well loved real-life street fashion books that I bought when I lived in New York: The New York Look Book, Misshapes Book…

  • bloggers at work sign
    Day Job

    Don’t Feed The Bloggers

    I risk sounding like a broken record but I really do LOVE my job. I’m thu-rilled that I’m part of such a forward thinking, innovative and creative team at Vancouver Opera. Without…