Happy Chinese New Year! Tis the Year of the Goat. Or sheep. Or any member of the caprinae family, really. Doesn’t matter – we love them both and try to visit them whenever…
Life + Love
I love February. Not only is it mine and a dozen other friends’ birthdays, but it’s a signal that winter is over and that more importantly, spring is almost here. My favourite…
What started out as a “never have I ever” game morphed into truth or dare with Sean’s nephews over the weekend. Many silly dares were put forth and some equally absurd questions bandied about.…
You have Christmas crackers. And then, you have twisted poppers. Which are the greatest thing ever. A confetti hand cannon. We may have gone a little overboard with them. New years at…
To quote one of Douglas Coupland’s sign in his Vancouver Art Gallery exhibition, Everywhere is Anywhere is Anything is Everything, “It’s not an illusion. Time is moving faster.” I recently asked someone…
We spent Christmas with Sean’s sisters in Victoria this year. It was 3 days of feasting, fete’ing, dogs and games. Sean’s family is just as warm, fun, funny and crazy as my…
Wishing everyone a merry ho-ho-ho!…
My niece turns 8! My, how time flies. I remember her very first birthday like it was yesterday. She’s turning into quite the little girl. She takes tae kwon do lessons, loves…
Ever watch Henri, Le Chat Noir on Youtube? It’s this wonderful video series of a cat suffering from ennui and pondering existentialist thoughts. That’s what I thought about when I downloaded these…
Ever get that feeling that someone’s watching you? Coming up from behind you? And disturbing you from your blessed sleep?…