Now that Charlie and Jonesy has enjoyed being outside, this is a regular sight to see in our house. And if we’re lucky, they will let us sleep, uninterrupted. Sometimes. That’s just…
Life + Love
Living out in the ‘burbs now, we’re taking to exploring our neighbourhood park. In this case, the nearby Mundy Park. For a park in the burbs, it’s rather impressive at 178 hectares…
Here’s Charlie and Jonesy, curled up and sleeping on Charlie’s big boy bed. While I hover over them, waiting for them to wake up, so I could play with them.…
My aesthetician friend Janet launched her new business and that business is eyelash extensions. Looking for friends who wanted to be her guinea pigs, I was more than happy to try this…
What better way to celebrate a birthday than to hang out with the horses at Southlands? And that’s exactly what we did for Sean’s special day last month. Well, that’s not all…
We have lilacs growing in our front yard. such a lovely sight to behold. I adore spring.…
Spring is my absolute favourite season. I love the burst of colours, the fragrant smells. Spring always heralds trips to Queen Elizabeth Park to see my favourite cherry blossom tree in the…
I love how cute Charlie is in this picture. He’s trying his darndest to stay awake. All the while upright but slowly tipping over to the side. He’s like a little kid.…
Guess what we got in our backyard? It’s springtime, literally, so Sean set up the trampoline. Sean is naturally athletic. He swims, dives, used to be a lifeguard and competed in martial…
Well, what do we have here? If we were to play photo assumption, one might think that Jonesy and Charlie were caught in the act of getting up to no good. Instead…