I was JUST saying to Sean the other day how I hope that Charlie and Jonesy would soon become sleeping buddies. And then this happened.…
Life + Love
The past few years, Sean and I would celebrate Earth Hour by ourselves. We would have dinner by candlelight and then walk around the neighbourhood, pointing at houses with lights on and…
Happy 4 years, baby. You have my heart for always. Love you. xo…
Our bedroom. Natural light. No filter. 630pm Sunday. Gosh, I love spring.…
How can one possibly expect me to work when I have a sleepy kitty on my chair?…
I have a soft spot for little piglets. Blame it on my befriending a little pig, when I was in Maui for my friend’s wedding. A grocer, close to where we were…
The only person that could ever get me out in public, dressed up in bad 80s gear would be my bestie, Peggy. And only for a special occasion.…
Ahh, 4 day weekends. Gotta love ’em. With the first ever statutory holiday, Family Day in BC, I took an additional day off to celebrate that, Chinese New Years and my birthday.…
Trespassers, beware! Don’t mess with our guard cat, Jonesy. She will lay the smack down on you. AS IF. She’d sooner run and hide, than swipe someone with her oversized, furry paws.…
…your partner making a dvd of cherry blossoms, with video footage he captured last year and scoring it with music from Sigur Ros, Patrick Watson and M83. All because I love cherry…