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Life + Love

  • Life + Love

    I Can Go Outside Now?

    I was in the bathroom, washing up before bed, when all of a sudden, I heard a rustling in the hallway. Turns out it was Charlie tossing his stuffy, snowy the owl,…

  • Life + Love

    Our Little Diva

    One of our favourite things lately is going to the park with the kitties. We’re trying to take advantage of the limited amount of sunny and warm days before fall hits. And…

  • black cat sitting in a bag at the park
    Life + Love

    Kitty Park Life

    Over the weekend, Sean and I took the kitties out to the park again. This time, Charlie was more curious, even coming out of his carrier to check things out. He still…

  • taxidermy at beaty biodiversity museum
    Life + Love

    The Animal Museum

    Strange things are afoot at the….Beaty Biodiversity Museum. Who knew that there were so many bizarre and fascinating things hidden at a what feels like deep underground bunker within UBC? The awe-inspiring…

  • tuxedo cat
    Life + Love

    The Outside World

    Got bag, will travel! New purchase alert (sans fluffy white dog). I recently bought the above canvas pet carrier for Sean and myself, so we can take the cats out. No Paris…

  • Life + Love

    2AM Cuddle Sesh

    The tower fan I planted at the foot of the bed temporarily usurped Charlie’s place on the bed. Unfortunately, it’s summer and even though it’s night time, it occasionally isn’t cool enough…

  • black cat yawning
    Life + Love

    Yawning Like No One’s Business

    Continuing my hobby of catching Charlie in mid-yawn, here’s a collection of Charlie yawns this week: Tuesday Today Wow, he can really open his mouth wiiiiiide. Is it just me or does Charlie’s toothy…

  • black cat keeping cool in bath tub
    Life + Love

    Keeping It Cool

    The hot, sweltering summer has arrived in Vancouver. Here’s how Charlie likes to beat the heat: lying spread-legged on the cool porcelain bathtub.…