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Life + Love

  • Life + Love

    Belly To The Ground

    Not an isolated incident, this is how Charlie likes to relax. Seriously. How is it that I’ve never known of a cat that likes to unwind in this position. Such a little…

  • james dean quiff
    Life + Love

    Follow The Quiff

    They say that who you first crush on lays the foundation of the type of partner you’d find attractive later in life. Well, my first pre-teen movie star crush was James Dean.…

  • Life + Love

    Midget Donkey Love

    For Sean’s birthday, we were planning on going to spend the day at the Greater Vancouver Zoo. Unfortunately the forecast called for rain and that does not jive with our video and…

  • Life + Love

    Snowing Petals

    How did we celebrate Earth Day? We took a walk through Queen Elizabeth Park to view the flowers and the cherry blossom trees. The sakuras were already in full bloom, with sprigs…

  • Life + Love

    Curling Up

    < The picture is an iPhone self shot, therefore, horrible quality. But I couldn’t resist taking this picture of Charlie curled up in a fetal position, sleeping right by my cheek. Bless.…

  • dried seahorses
    Life + Love

    Chinatown Delights

    Happy Obscura Day! I think that everyday should be Obscura day. Surely it could be celebrated more than once a year. I mean, c’mon a day to discover unusual places, back room…