Seems I’m not going anywhere at the moment. Charlie has got me pinned down.…
Life + Love
Charlie is curious about the water. Whenever I go to take a shower, he jumps into the far end of the tub with me. With water running from the faucet, I’d wave…
My adorable fuzzy face loves to fall asleep on my Macbook.…
Someone tell me if they’ve ever seen a cat sleep in this position? Cuz I’ve had 3 cats before and none of them have ever slept like that, in some sort of…
A warm laptop proves too irresistible for Charlie to pass up. His second favourite place to sleep.…
Sean and I were driving back from an appointment a couple of weeks ago. We were both in our cars, him following, as we drive down Kingsway. We stopped at a red…
However stressful a day at work I’m having, I’m comforted by the thought that once I get home, Charlie will be there waiting for hugs from me. Like, literally. He’s a needy…
If Friday didn’t get that many people to don on their costumes, then Saturday would be the night to get freaky. I became the priestess again, while Sean became another variation zombie,…
A few weekends ago, Sean and I braved the drive into Richmond, aka Ditchmond or Bitchmond, depending on who you ask, to spend a lovely sunny afternoon at the Buddhist Temple.…
And I thought Jonesy was the only water baby… But nope, Charlie also seems to like drinking from the tap.…