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Life + Love

  • vw golf
    Life + Love

    My New Wheels

    After 5 years of taking public transit, I have decided to take the plunge and bought myself some new wheels. The last time I owned a car was my beloved black Honda…

  • Life + Love


    A couple of weekends ago, Sean and I felt like being around animals, and since we were unmotivated to go downtown to check out the aquarium, we decided to drive down to…

  • mission hill family estate in kelowna
    Life + Love

    This Is Now…

    We made it to Kelowna! We abandoned plans of driving and instead caught a flight this past weekend. A bit more expensive, but way more convenient and less scary than being stranded…

  • Life + Love

    That Was Then…

    Our plans for driving to Kelowna last weekend did not pan out. It was suppose to be a breezy 6 hour drive. On paper. However, the Coquihalla “car killer” Highway, combined with…

  • tuxedo cat is furminated
    Life + Love

    Jonesy Is Furminated

    So we got the furminator cat brush for Jonesy. At $45 plus taxes, it’s pricier than other de-shedding brushes, but holy moly, does it ever brush out that undercoat! The above brushing…

  • ekg machine electrodes
    Life + Love

    Hooked Up

    On a sunny Saturday when I should’ve been out basking in what’s sure to be a mere handful of summer days remaining, I was sitting in a med lab, waiting to get…

  • heartbeat on EKG
    Life + Love

    Heart Skipped A Beat

    No, I’m not referring to the XX’s song, Heart Skipped a Beat. Rather I’m referring to my experiencing premature ventricular contractions for the past couple of weeks. It began right before our…

  • Life + Love

    Happy Birthday Kristina

    It’s always fun when you go to a friends birthday dinner and next thing you know, 3 hours fly by. Just like that. Good food, great conversations, lotsa laughs and fete’ing of…

  • Life + Love

    Splish SPLASH!

    Sean’s sister and her family made a pitstop in Vancouver last weekend, on the way to Kelowna, so Sean and I met them out in White Rock for family day. This was…