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Life + Love

  • stone sculpture at nitobe memorial garden at UBC
    Life + Love

    Zen Garden

    Sean and I played tourist in our town last weekend and checked out the Nitobe Memorial Garden at UBC. I felt immediately at peace when I walked through the main doors of…

  • tuxedo cat and stuffed bear on a blanket
    Life + Love

    Jonesy And Her BFF

    This is Jonesy with her stuffy, bear. Bear helps to protect Jonesy from any rambunctious dogs or kids at the park. That is, when he’s not making “rabbit ears” behind Jonesy’s back.…

  • Life + Love

    A Touch Of Vintage

    I recently got an iPhone 4. And you know what THAT means… Instagram! And playing with various filters and frames to create old timey feel photos. So here are a couple of…

  • Life + Love

    Animal Farm

    Who knew that there was a petting zoo right here in town? The last time Sean and I went to spend an afternoon with farm animals, it was at Meadow Maze in…

  • tuxedo cat sitting in a garden
    Life + Love

    Sunshine Weekend II

    Now that it’s getting warmer and a whole lot sunnier, we’ll be taking Jonesy out to the park more. She’s actually getting more comfortable with it. She’s not tucking herself into the…

  • Life + Love

    A Family Of Swingers

    Every now and then, we like to take Jonesy outside because she’s an indoor cat. It’s always a riot when she sees that red harness. Kitty knows what’s up. While she never…

  • cherry blossoms at queen elizabeth park
    Life + Love

    Springtime At QE Park

    Stanley Park may be bigger, have more trees, have the seawall and be by the water, but I’ll take Queen Elizabeth Park any day. Spring has finally sprung at QE Park. Sean…

  • Life + Love

    The Horsey Show

    A continuation of our anniversary celebrations, Sean and I went to Cavalia last week. This show is so popular, it has been extended like 3 times since it’s opened March 22, that’s…