Life + Love, My Inner Geek

New Years Eve With Skywalker

Happy nerd year! For the last day of the year and of the DECADE, Sean and I continued our New Year’s Eve tradition (third year in a row!) of going to the cineplex to watch the midnight movie. And the biggest movie to close off 2019 is of course, Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker.

We fancied it up VIP-style with dinner in the lounge before the last 3D screening. And because we’re mellow like that, there were only nine other people in the screening with us.

Gotta love NYE at the movies. Hope everyone had an awesome time kicking it into the new decade. Welcome 2020!

About the girl, Lost in the music

Spotify: 2019 Wrapped

Do you Spotify? I do and have been on the platform since 2015. This year Spotify has brought back their annual personalized “Spotify Wrapped” to let users know what their most listened to songs, artists, playlists, genres, and podcasts not only during 2019, but also throughout the last decade.

What was my most listened to tracks in 2019? Drum roll please…

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Day Job, My Inner Geek

Recommendations: Which VIFF 2019 Film To Watch?

taxidermist working on a bird from VIFF 2019 film festival
I love movies and the entire cinematic experience, including hitting up the Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF). It’s different from just hitting up the cineplex to watch the latest big budget, popcorn movie. Film festivals helps to broaden one’s worldview, and gives audiences access to films that they might otherwise have the opportunity to see. It also previews movies that will be in wide release later on. Every year, I make it a point to watch at least one film at VIFF.

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Day Job, My Inner Geek

Social Media at Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF)

Having been a long time support of Vancouver International Film Festival otherwise known as VIFF, I was right chuffed to land a seasonal contract position, creating content and managing their social media during their festival season.

Over the years, I had seen many films or attended events, like last year’s RZA: Live from the 36th Chamber of Shaolin. But now I was privy to all the behind-the-scenes planning on how to mount a large scale event which sees over 100,000 people attending the festival each year. Not only was I able to access most screenings, but I also got to sit in on Master Classes, Creator Talks, and live events, as well as, be all fancy for the Opening and Closing galas.

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Lost in the music

Moist: Silver 25th Anniversary Tour Hits Vancouver

fans taking photos of moist on stage in concert
When Moist reunited and went on a cross-country tour in 2013, I was there. When Moist came out to my neck of the woods to play Hard Rock Casino in 2014, I was there.

So when Moist announced they would celebrate the 25th anniversary of their Silver album with a tour, hell yea, I was going to be there. And so did a couple thousand other people packing the dance floor at the sold out Commodore Ballroom. And these fans came to play.

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