Life + Love

Shizuka’s Baby Shower

No surprise at my age, most of my friends are either having babies, trying to have babies or struck with a case of baby fever. It’s hard not to get all broody, when you’re surrounded by bundles of adorable-ness. We threw a shower for second time around mommy, Shizuka this weekend. She didn’t get a shower the first time around, (apparently there’s no such thing as baby showers in Japan), so we made dang sure she was celebrated this time.

Although the party was for mom and soon-to-be newborn, we made sure to lavish tons of attention onto Shizuka’s 3 year old, Shino. So much so that she was continually agog by all the people and kidlets, decorations and food. She played with her playmates until she could play no more. Without an afternoon nap, little Shino became over-stimulated and zonked out in the middle of the floor. In much the same way as Shino’s cat.

Everybody bought potluck and there was no shortage of food. The picture doesn’t look like much, but what you’re seeing are the appies. Or should i say, the first round of food and then came the cooked food.

Course, I turned into one big kid when I’m around children. I get down to their level, crawling and following them around, more so than the other guests. Would this change when I have kids? I’d like to think not. discipline when needed aside, I’d like to think I’d get right in there with them, finger-painting them walls. (with washable paint, of course)

Intriguing Sadie and then Amelie to crawl to me on the other side of the tent tunnel.

Then the baby games began. First the guess the baby pictures:

Guess which photo is mine?

Then the guess how big Shizuka’s belly is:

And lastly, guess the flavours of baby food:

These did NOT taste like sweet potato, carrots or corn

And what’s a baby shower without presents?

And then all too soon, it was time to wind the party down and head home. Time flies when you’re around kids. Thanks to Grace for organizing the baby shower.

View more photos of the bridal shower on my Flickr album.

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  • Reply The Wanderers' Daughter February 2, 2011 at 5:59 am

    The pictures are SO sweet! You guys did her right!
    I have to say that I had my baby shower three weeks after returning from China with our Q, and since I’d been trying to beat a bad case of intestinal parasites for all three of those weeks (not to mention the culture shock and new-mommy-shock that goes with adoption) I was a wreck. But it was so sweet of my MIL, and at least I can enjoy the photos in retrospect (as emaciated and sickly as I looked!)
    Also…getting down and dirty with the kids is the way to go. Since I took on motherhood VERY late in life, most of my friends had kids more than ten years ago. Myself, I never wanted to have children, so adopting our daughter has been a tremendous surprise for me, and the joy of motherhood takes me off guard every single day. It is easily the best time of my life.

  • Reply lightning in a bottle February 2, 2011 at 9:22 am

    maia, thanks for the comment! shizuka was blown away by our enthusiasm to fete her. but all mommies to be SHOULD be celebrated!

    when i’m lucky to be blessed with a little one, i have a feeling i’m going to be thoroughly enamoured by the whole experience. these little humans.

    it is a joy to read your blog. you are an inspiration.

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